Heute mal eine Eventankündigung:
Health 2.0 Berlin announces the 1st Venture Capital Panel for health entrepreneurs planning to build a health care startup or seeking funding for their existing health startup. Four Berlin based VCs specialized in Health Care investments will be asked challenging questions. In a panel discussion You will get to know what really counts for investors. What makes a health care startup suitable for funding? A compelling solution solving a real problem? Fast revenue and profit? What counts and why?
Come to the Health 2.0 Berlin VC panel on Wednesday Dec 4th at the WYE and find out! Register here.
Which burning questions have you been wanting to ask a panel of VCs? Post them NOW in the comments field on the meetup page.
18:30 Doors opening
19:00 Start Panel Discussion
20:30 Audience Q&A
20:50 Get Together at the Wye bar, networking
• Dr. Klaus Stöckemann, Co-Founder Peppermint Venture Partners
• Dr. Markus Müschenich, Founder Flying Health Startup Manufaktur
• Ulli Jendrik Koop, Chairman XL Health AG, Digital Health Investment Fond
• Florian Steger, Senior Investment Manager hub:raum, Deutsche Telekom
Juliane Zielonka, co-organizer Health 2.0 Berlin
Part 1
What are the challenges in the German Healthcare market?
In what fields can Health Startups provide solutions for the German market?
Part 2
Business Modelling the German Healthcare Market
Who pays for what and why?
Hands-on examples what works and what not and why.
Part 3
What separates a health entrepreneur from other entrepreneurs?
What are the differences, what are the commons?
Part 4
Success Stories plus: What is your offer?
Startup Scouting – who fits and why?
Wednesday, 4.12.2013
18:30 pm
THE WYE (Google maps)
Skalitzer Str. 86
10997 Berlin Kreuzberg
We thank our sponsor Peppermint Venture Partners for supporting this event.
See you all on December 4th at 18:30!
Kind regards
Your Health 2.0 Berlin Team
Juliane (VC panel organizer, co-organizer Health 2.0 Berlin),
Ulrike (founder & organizer Health 2.0 Berlin)
Tobias (co-organizer Health 2.0 Berlin)